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        Send a Letter to your Elected Offical

        Legislative & Budget Updates

        January 1, 2020 |

        Sample AB5 Template Letter


        Dear (send to your elected officials for your district),

        I am writing today to share with you the anticipated impact of Assembly Bill 5 on my __________ (livelihood or name of organization or ability to find work in CA etc.)

        Share your specific story here:
        Keep it short and as much as possible include specific data and the consequences.

        I respectfully request that AB1850, the follow up bill to AB5 addresses much needed clarifications for the arts and creative sector. I know California Arts Advocates is working on this issue and I support their efforts.

        Additionally, as AB5 changes the way the arts do business and increases staffing costs up to 40% for some organizations, I also request that the legislature increase public funding for the arts. I support all increased budget allocations to the California Arts Council, the state arts agency. The data shows California is leading the nation in creative economy output but still falls behind in terms of public investment in the arts. Even with the $10 million increase in 2019 to the California Arts Council, California is still investing less than a dollar  – in fact .71 cents per capita per person (without one time funds)  – and ranks 26th in the nation for arts funding. As the creative economy represents 7.1% of California’s GSP ahead of agriculture and transportation, an investment in public funding for the arts makes good business sense.

        Increasing public funding is also an equity and access issue. According to a James Irvine Foundation study in 2011, there are over 11,000 arts non-profit organizations in California delivering much needed creative and cultural programs to our state of 40 million people. Most of these organizations operate on small budgets with tight margins but do the work because they know the difference the arts bring to our lives and our communities. However, in grants awarded by June of 2019, the California Arts Council was able to fund only 12% of the total organizations in California. Without additional funding communities across California will continue to be deprived of access to the arts.

        Thank you for listening.

        Your name and address

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